Software Engineering Technician program graduate at Centennial College. I am very eager to learn new things and further my career path in the world of technology.
What have I been up to? · Yes, it has been a month since my last post. I hope you had a great Halloween. Anyways, here is an update on what I have been...
Introduction Yesterday, I thought up and wrote a simple web application using React.js and deployed the application on Heroku. The application is a...
Where am I at and how did I get here? · Sometime, two weeks ago, I got a message on LinkedIn from a recruiter asking for my resume. They told me that...
The Plan, the Purpose, the Design · I love playing video games. As such, I decided to try and design my own web application project revolving around a...
...it's not good · Earlier, I talked about entering the 2021 Hack the 6ix Hackathon. I had a lot of fun talking to many of the participants of the...
Hopefully, not the last · After graduating college, I have been trying different methods of getting myself known in the IT community. The first was...